
Friday, 31 December 2021

(Step it up ) Making an Origami Box

Today I have done another task on SLJ site, making an origami box.  I firstly watched a video on YouTube on how to make an origami box and to measure my colour paper to make a square.  Next I had to finish off the box and fold in the edges. This task is really fun to make and I do hope you all enjoy this post and check out some of my SLJ post as well.


Happy New Year's Poster

Today I have done a poster celebrating the New Year. What I did first to create this task, is take a photo of myself and used a website to remove the background. Next I loaded an image from google for the background and inserted words from 'word art'. I hope you all enjoy this post and have a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Kick start - Stick Figure Fun


Today's  task on the SLJ site I have done the kick start activity.  You can see I have drawn some stick figures doing activity's like skipping, working, thinking, running, standing, lifting and taking out the rubbish. My favourite stick figure that I've drawn is the running one. I hope you enjoy this post.

Stick Figure Animation

Today I have done the step it up activity on the stick figure animation. There are three different things about what the stick figure is doing.  I hope you all enjoy this post and some of my other SLJ posts too.

Friday, 24 December 2021

Interviewing Someone in my family


Today I have done an activity in the SLJ, interviewing someone in my family. I have chosen my older sister because I wanted to interview  her first.  I am going to ask her some questions about her childhood growing up. I hope you guys enjoy reading this post and have a blessed day. 

Math's in Te reo Maori


Today I have done another activity in the SLJ, math's in Te reo Maori. I had a go at it but I had some help. I tried this trick with my brother, he was happy and surprised that he got them all correctly. I thought I could trick him but I couldn't. I really enjoyed doing this task with my brother. I hope you all enjoy reading this post. 

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Mandala in Nature

 Today I have made a mandala flower in nature. I have used taro leaves, rocks and some small sticks to create this task. I really enjoy this task because I got to see what other things in my back yard can do for what I can use in my mandala flower. I hope you guys enjoy reading this post.

Poetry Slam - Kenning


Today I have made  kenning poem about an animal. I have used slides to create this  and  image to show you what it is. I  hope you enjoy this blog post and have a very Merry Christmas.

Thursday, 16 December 2021

Math Magic Tricks

 Today I have been working on the math's magic trick  presentation. It was a bit challenging but I went through with it. It was fun and exciting for me because I thought I was not going to get them all correct but every time I answered it , I got it right. I was really surprise with the equations. At the end I tested it on my mum if she will get it right and to my surprise she got them all correct. 

My Mandala flower

 Today I have watched a video on how to make a mandala flower in google drawings. What I have done first to create this task is, I have made a circle out of grass. Next I searched on google to find some beautiful flowers and some leaves for my border. I have used blue, red, yellow and white flowers to  make my mandala flower look real.  What I have enjoyed about this task is that I got to explore these different kinds of flowers and learn something new. I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.

Top five blogs

 Today I have done a task about my top five blog posts. I have chosen four students in my class and one student from a different school.  It was thrilling to see  these students  put their effort in to their work and to see them try their best. I hope you guys enjoy this blog post.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Spread the word - By Estherose


Today I have been exploring other students blogs and leaving them a positive comment.   I have been commenting on five blogs from other schools. I have commented on two students from different schools and three students in my class. This task has been a learning tool for me as I got to learn something new on each blog I went on today.

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Poetry Slam - Tahi - Kick Start

Today I have done an activity about a poetry slam. What I needed to begin with was a copy of the silde deck and start. On the second slide I have put a photo of myself and writtien some texts about what I am going to do this summer. Next on the third slide I have written down some of my favourite words. I do not really have favourite words but I just picked some ramdom ones. It was quite diffcult doing this task but I had some help. I really enjoy doing this task because I got to learn what is an adjective and an adverb.

Monday, 13 December 2021

Making something that flies

Today I have watched a video about how paper planes work and how it flies. What I have used to make this object is some tape, sicccors, three coloured papers and a ruler but I did not have a ruler so I used a pencil to measure my paper. Then I started to read the intructions and make my first, second and third plane. After finishing up with my project I made a small film to show you how the experiment works. Making this video was challenging but I got through it. Doing this project was fun and entertaing because I got to see how the plane works and fly.

Monday, 22 November 2021

A Dinosaur Quiz

Today I have done a dinosaur quiz and it is about fosil bones and reptile dinosaurs. What I have learnt from the quiz is that the Thalattosuchia dinosaurs is an extinct group which are related to the sea crocodiles. This quiz was really fun and interesting because I could learn more about the dinosaurs and discuss them with other people around me.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Making my power water

Today I have made my power water. What I used to make it was a pump water bottle, blue tack, tape, paper, a bowl and some water. It was a difficult task to do because it is tricky to put on the plastic from the bottle to stick on the cardboard. At the end when I was finished, I was really happy because I can see how it flows and works. It was such a fun task to do. I had lots of fun though.

Making my boat out of crafts

Yesterday on Wednesday I watched a video about how to make a boat out of crafts. What I used for my boat was some blue tack, paper, a wooden stick, sticky tape, sciccors and cardboard. I had to put all of the these together to make it my own boat. It was a fun task to do because it keeps me active and busy while I'm at home.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Boat Animation

We are learning how to make a animation on sildes presention, and make it into a film or a cartoon film.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Stretch a Sentence

Today we are trying to make simple sentences and turn them into instresting senteces.

Surveys and Graphing

Today my class and I were asked from our teacher Miss Szymanik to do a survey about what is Rm 7's Favourtie somthing is.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Exploring Blogs

I am exploring blogs on other students in my class. I only did two blog post on my class mates, Jamie and Dessire.


Screenshots. What we have to do is take a screenshot of my class site, class blog, your own blog and your school site. So what you have to do if you want to take a screenshot of these websites all you have to do is press Ctrl, Shift and press the button of top of the 6.

What we share.

This presention is about what we can share and not share. What we can share is our goals for school , what school do we go to, and hobbies.What do we not share with others is our Date of Birth,phone numbers, and address.

Bookmarks Activity 4

This cybersmart challenge is about how to bookmark aproparite websites. You have to think to yourself what are the apropriate websites like your, gmail, school website, class, website, Google Drive, and your own Blog. This cybersmart challenge is about how to bookmark aproparite websites. You have to think to yourself what are the apropriate websites like your, gmail, school website, class, website, Google Drive, and your own Blog

All about me Poster

Kia Ora my name is Estherose and I am 11 years old. I attend to Saint Patrick's School. I am Samoan. My favourite animals are a bull dog and a koala. Where I watch series and movies is on Netflex. My favourtie broad game I like to play with my family is Monoply. Places where I like to eat is kFC, sushi and Mcdonalds.

Know your Keyboard

Quality Blog post Challenge

We are learning how to make a quality blog post. First we had to look at the exaples on the sildes and then we had to answer on the last silde too. Some students find it really hard.

My Digital Footprint

This is one of my cybersmart challenge, these are some of the websites that I have been to and broswing on.

Ko wai au

Thursday, 8 July 2021

DLO - Sarah Hirini sport player in the Olimpics 2021

This DLO about Sarah Hirini is a part of our Road to Tokyo and also why I chose this athlete Sarah Hirini is because she is joining the Olympics this year. So I want to record how she has been doing in the Olyimpics when its starts.

Friday, 2 July 2021

DLO Nagoya Japan - Estherose

THe 6th place that we have visit. THis writing progress has been really challenge for me because I have to find information about the Nagoya. I really enjoy researhing the information and studing about.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Kyoto Japan DLO - Estherose


The 5th landmark of our Road to Tokyo.

DLO Himeji-Desiree.Estherose

This is the 4th landmark that my class has done for our Road to Tokyo. Have fun enjoying reading my DLO

Hiroshima DLO


This is the 3rd landmark that my class and I have done for our Road to Tokyo

Friday, 28 May 2021

DLO - Beppu Japan - Estherose

This is my class and I first ever land mark in Japan. IN every place that we vist we want to do a writing about it. We did this place Beppu because we wanted to explore the curlture of Japan and the place.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

DLO Fukuoka Japan - Estherose


This is our second landmark that we have just done for our our Road to Tokyo. This the sencond or thrid week that we have done. My class and I do a beep test every week. Beep test, beep test is like when you listen to this man on youtube and you star running. There are about ten levels or six. On every landmark my class and I explore the place that we stop at and do a DLO about. DLO stands for didgtial learning object.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Report on Lions

Introduction The lion (panthera leo) is a large mammal of the Freddie cat family. Some large males weigh over 250kg. Lion females weigh over 270 to 400 pounds. Habbiet: Where lions live Lions live in Africa. Nearly all wild Lions live in Africa and the Sahara Desert and in Asia. Lions are adapted for life in grasslands and mix areas with trees and grass. 

 Diet: What Lions like to eat Lions are carnivores means that they are the only animals that eat meat. Their favourite meat is pork( means pig) Some prey that they catch is birds, hares, turture, mice and lizards , wild hogs and also wild dogs and many other animals. 

 Interesting facts about lions Lions can run up 50 miles per hour. A lion's roar is the loudest of any big cat and can be heard up to 80km away. Lions tend to be nocturnal, doing most of their hunting after dusk when it's cooler.Lions enjoy relaxing and lazing around. They spend between 16 and 20 hours each day resting and sleeping. 

 More interesting fact about lions A group, or pride, can be up to 30 lions, depending on how much food and water is available. Female lions are the main hunters. Lions scent mark their territory, using their wee, to create a border. Lions are afraid of large mammals, giraffes, hippos, and elephants, but they are also afraid of their everyday prey. Every time a hunt takes place, their prey animals are going to try their best to resist. 

 From: Estherose

Friday, 19 March 2021

St Patrick's Day

 St Patrick’s Day

On Wednesday the 17th of March 2021  we had our St Patrick’s day no parents were allowed and other people because it was still cv19 Lv1.   We always wear  green on St Patrick’s   First up. We had our small liturgy  under the canopy with the whole school and teachers. In the Mass we had the house leaders taking the little children up the stairs taking stuff, like the Holy Bible, and a picture of St Patrick’s, shamrock, and the last one is the song of St Patrick. After that we had the gospel reading that was about Patrick chasing away the bad influence(snakes) in the ocean. After we had prayers of the faithful we had finished the mass.  

Then we went back to class to get changed in our PE gear for our fun activities for the day. After our morning tea we went under the canopy. The whole school was going to be sorted out in teams under the canopy. First on our card activities we went to Mrs Agnew. Mrs Agnew's activities  were skipping  rope contests, so what we had to do was skip  5 times and then skip back. Next we went to Mrs Geroge under the big Pohutukawa tree with the red flowers . Mr George’s activity was a two legged race, you have to partner with someone and walk with them and go back and the nexts one goes.

Then it was Mr Bell’s active ki orahi on the field of golden child.  After that game we went to Miss Kyle’s game on the top court. Her game was about  numbers.How you play numbers is you to shoot the ball in your hoop. The last game was Sister Evalesi game under the canopy , Sister Evlaesi game was bowling, you have to roll the ball and knock out the pins.

After all the fun tiring  activities all the teams came down under the canopy. We had our cold ice blocks to eat. Then Mrs Bullot was counting up the points while we were eating. Then Mrs Bullot announced the winners. The team that won in first place was my team. So after that we had our lunch time. After lunch time in the afternoon we just relaxed.. 

Friday, 26 February 2021

Time table


I found my 10xs time tables was so easy. So next  week I want to challenge myself  really hard on my 12xs times table.

Friday, 19 February 2021

DLO about Ash Wednesday- Estherose

 DLO explaining how & why Ash Wednesday is important to our people.

On Ash Wednesday it is the start of Lent. Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day when we fast or give up something, and pray to God. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross.Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights without food or water.On Ash Wednesday Catholics are not allowed to eat meat on this day and on Fridays. As the Priest applies the person’s forehead he speaks in his words,’ Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’ Ash Wednesday is in the Bible. Ash Wednesday is often done in the church.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021